2012年3月13日 星期二

Chinese Vobab. Level 1 Mar. 14

chá Level 1(N)tea    
cháng Level 1(VS)to be long, not short    
常常chángcháng Level 1(Adv)often, usually, generally    
唱歌(兒)chànggē(ér) Level 1(VA)sing   
chǎo Level 1(VS)to make a noise, to disturb, to quarrel/ to be noisy    
車(子)chē(zi) Level 1(N)car, vehicle   
車站chēzhàn Level 1(N)station    
成績chéngjī Level 1(N)grade(at school), academic record, achievement
chī Level 1(VA)to eat    
吃飽chībǎo Level 1(VS)satiate; full    
吃飯chīfàn Level 1(VA)to eat, to have a meal    

