2011年10月24日 星期一

How to Learn Mandarin 3 Warning -Chinese Wiki

  • If you must use the internet, remember that it's not always accurate.

  • Some people might be picky and correct you, but that's alright. That's what you want, so you can correct your mistakes.

  • If you learn something offensive, you should only say it jokingly and not seriously as some Chinese curses can be very strong.

  • Make sure that the resources you use are reputable- the last thing you want is to be saying bad things that you don't mean!

  • When in doubt about how to use vocabulary, if you can, ask a native speaker.
       Katrina:  Even sometimes native speakers can make mistakes, especially when you throw    them a  random Eng. vocab. and want a quick, direct translation~  :(   
so~ it's better you give them a full complete sentence you wish to convey in Chinese, make sure your Chinese friends have a better, clear understanding of what you wish you speak in Mandarin!

  • When you get better, don't settle for mutual study sessions which are actually held in English. After a while your Chinese may be better than your friend's English. You should use this to your advantage and spend as much time speaking purely in Mandarin as possible. Remember - don't underestimate yourself and don't let yourself be underestimated by the Chinese.

